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Future Teacher

At Klein Collins High School

Facts about the Future Teacher College Program

  • Application open to all 8th grade students in Klein ISD having completed Algebra I
  • For high achieving students interested in a career in Teaching
  • Strong academic skills in reading, math and science
  • Earn an Associate of Arts and participate in a teacher mentor program
  • Able to transfer to Klein Collins High School and provide transportation to the high school

Higher Education Partner - Lone Star College - University Park

Program Information:

4-Year Plan

Program Presentation

*The Future Teacher College Program is offered at Klein Collins High School. Students zoned to a different high school must switch schools permanently to participate and provide their own transportation.

Workforce Data & Career Information

Texas Workforce Commission

Student Application Information

  • Application open to all 8th grade students in Klein ISD having completed Algebra I 

  • Strong academic skills in reading, math and science

  • Able to transfer to Klein Collins High School and provide transportation to the high school 

Application Deadline: ​March 1, 2025

Apply Now